Page 1 PLEASE LISTEN AND READ THIS IMPORTANT DOCUMENT BEFORE ENTERING INTO A PURCHASE OF PROPERTY IN CLEVELAND HEIGHTS. THIS IS A SERIOUS SITUATION AND COULD COST YOU THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS! Funny how the city can use this ordinance to deny me the waiver of the POS inspection but could not use this same city ordinance to enforce the Penalties. Per the city they don't have enough evidence at this time. Property closed on 2/14/2020 Acknowledgement form given to me by the Housing Inspection Office 02/25/2020. ALL ARE NOT WELCOME OR TREATED EQUALLY UNDER THE LAW. PLEASE LISTEN AND READ THIS IMPORTANT DOCUMENT BEFORE ENTERING INTO A PURCHASE OF PROPERTY IN CLEVELAND HEIGHTS. THIS IS A SERIOUS SITUATION AND COULD COST YOU THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS! As of to date NO ONE HAS BEEN FINED OR IMPRISONED FOR ALLEGEDLY NOT GIVING ME THE POINT OF SALE Acknowledgement form PRIOR TO PURCHASE! I have spoken to current and former Home Owners of Cleveland Heights and they too encountered conflict either before or after purchase. Check out Delman Vs Cleveland Heights they did not prevail on an Appeal seeking damages of $135,000 in 1989 and neither will you prevail. Delman vs City of Cleveland Heights :What a crying shame! Since 1989 residents have been fighting this unjust P.O.S. . Click on the pdf download onto your device and click read aloud . 1339 Point of Sale.pdf 1311.99 Penalty.pdf |