Its Coming to your world! Watch Out! Proverbs 13:20 “He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.” KJV |
Be advised Jenna Johnson have removed sold homes from her list all of 2020 homes to include 2591 Lee Road. I was allegedly robbed blind by Jenna and Jeremiah Johnson this property is not worth $232,500. The property has over $232K in repairs,don't let those glossy photos fool you,amazingly Inspectors could not see any major repair work. One way they were able to NOT disclose the POS...they befriend people in places they need help to transfer property. Jenna Johnson has been a Realtor under five years ,yet she(they) are able to persuade people within the industry with more seniority to do their dirty work. In hindsight, I believe that Tanesha Speed recorded our phone calls and shared them with the Johnson's. I also believe they ran extensive background checks on me. The Inspector and Appraiser omitted pertinent information and overlooked major repairs (overloaded breaker box 23 breakers in a 20 breaker box). Quick to use their FAITH to say they are ethical people,per Jeremiah. During my closing the Notary stated that he socialize with Jenna all the time. This was dangerous because he had all my information in his unsupervised hands. I am not able to transfer this property without the acknowledgement form signed by the Buyer , yet National Title, Branch Manager transferred the property. The Johnson's $99K loan for this property did not get paid off until August 2020. ALL DEBT is paid off at closing and the Seller get the remaining proceeds. The Lender/Under writer from California did not request the acknowledgement form to close. In fact they moved my chosen date from 02/20/2020 to 02/11/2020 which was close to the Johnson's closing date. Many complaints have been filed against these people and are closed/dismissed /no violation found. They are acting like professional Home Wreckers. Sooner or later their Kingdom will fall!!!!!!!! American Greed Real Estate Fraud: Does You Home Belong to You? (Radioplay) Data collected from Jenna Johnson * Zillow . Unable to leave review on Zillow. No reviews on Zillow. NO SALES REPORTED ON ZILLOW Total 4 months July 2020 highest month in sale $1,189,290 CLEVELAND HEIGHTS SALES TOTAL 3 SALES EQUAL TO OR ABOVE $232,500 Total 9 $369,900 (1),$363,390(1) $289,900(1),$285K(1),$270K(1),$264K(1),$241K(1),$235K(1),$232,500(1) SPOUSE: JEREMIAH JOHNSON (No Realtor Agent/Broker License) * JJ REAL ESTATE SOLUTIONS. LLC 5/10/2016 JJ real Estate Solutions LLC current ownership. Ohio Real Estate Commission license look up. American Greed $1 Billion Scam Ft Frauderdale FULL EPISODE HD |